
90's one-hit wonders

I am looking at 90's one-hit wonders and found this gem.

more to come...cause i am evil like that

3 thoughts

I have 3 short thoughts

1. I need a card reader so i can get my phone camera photos off more often and maybe post some online.

2. I am looking into redesigning this, any thoughts?

3. I am going through the old BJ Happy Hour Posts on the old blog and making sure they are on here and attributed to the correct poster. I created the J to stand in for Jeff before he got married and fell into that marriage hole. Congrats and best of luck. Jeff if you ever want to write again please contact me. The BJ Happy Hour focus is going to change a bit as I begin to figure out what to do with it. Hopefully I can convince a few people to write and post on it.

Any thoughts or comments please leave them. I like all even the good and bad.



For QCAST Michael


WATER on MARS Confirmed

"Houston, we have water." NASA scientists said Thursday the Phoenix lander exploring Mars had confirmed water on the planet. AFP